Saturday, March 12, 2011


Harusnya Kita bangga jadi bangsa indonesia

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Ada banyak prestasi anak bangsa di Indonesia yang dikenal, bahkan digunakan oleh dunia, tetapi masih sedikit yang diwartakan kepada kita. Sungguh sayang kondisi ini, tetapi bagi yang sudah tau pasti akan sangat bangga. Berikut ini beberapa kesuksesan anak bangsa :

1. PT.PAL sukses bikin salahsatu kapal terbaik didunia “Star 50″ berbobot 50,000 ton. Salah satu Negara yg pesan kapal ini adl Singapura.
2. Di singapura gamelan jd mata pelajaran wajib di SD pada hampir sebagian wilayahnya.

3. Pabrik/manufaktur Mattel (boneka Barbie USA) hanya ada 2 didunia yaitu di China dan di Jababeka,Cikarang.
4. Brand internasional yg amat prestisius, Gucci,menggunakan kain tenun asli Indonesia sbg bahan bakunya.

5. Mobil terpopuler diUni Emirat Arab adl Toyota Kijang Innova yg sepenuhnya diproduksi di Indonesia.

6. Bunga nasional Korea Utara yg amat popular Kimilsungia berasal dari Indonesia dan diberi nama oleh Presiden RI Ir. Soekarno

7. Tahukah Anda, airbridge –tangga belalai menuju pintu pesawat yg ngetrend di bandara2 dunia kali pertama dibuat oleh PT Bukaka, Indonesia
8. Pejuang HAM legendaris bapak pembebasan Negara Afrika Selatan Nelson Mandela,setelah berhasil menghapus Apartheid di negerinya, mengakui bahwa perjuangannya itu diinspirasikan perjuangan Syekh Yusuf dari Makassar
9. Thn 2002, dlm Special Edition TIME magazine on Asian Heroes, penyanyi Iwan Fals jd cover fullpage.

10. Mobil prestisius,Mercedes Benz, menggunakan knalpot buatan Indonesia, yg pengerjaannya sepenuhnya dilakukan di Purbalingga,Jawa Tengah
11. Presiden RI ke-3, BJ Habibie adl pemegang 46 paten dibidang aeronautika dunia

12. David Foster mengaku,lagu ciptaanya ‘To Love You More’ yg dibawakan Celine Dion terinspirasi dari musik Keroncong Indonesia
13. Menara Kuala Lumpur dirancang oleh putra Indonesia, Ir.Achmad Murdijat alumni ITB

14. Indofood adl produsen mie instan terbesar di dunia

15. Tas Bagteria made in Indonesia telah dijajakan diberbagai etalase dimall2 kelas atas di 32 negara diseluruh penjuru dunia & dipakai Paris Hilton,Zara Phillips,Emma Thomson,& Audrey Tatou

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Red and White Color Meaning (The Flag of INDONESIA)

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1. all the countries of Southeast Asia would have a Red and White colors in its flag (except Vietnam).

- Malaysia: red, white, blue, yellow
- Singapore: red, white
- Brunei: yellow, black, red, white
- Thailand: red, white, blue
- Philippines: red, white, blue, yellow
- Cambodia: red, white, blue
- Myanmar: red, white, blue
- Laos: red, white, blue

and also in other countries

- United States: red, white, blue
- Russia: red, white, blue
- Japan: red, white
- France: red, white, blue
- Italy: red, white, green
- UK: red, white, blue

2. Red and White is the color of the oldest pair in the culture of many countries in the world.

- Among the clothes favored by the Prophet Muhammad was a white dress and red.

* From Jabir ibn Samurah ra: "I saw the Prophet when a red dress. Then I compare it to see the moon. It turned out that in my observation, he was more beautiful than the moon. "(Narrated by Abu Ya'la and Al-Bayhaqi)
* Ibn Qudama said, "Clothes are the main thing is that white clothes because the Prophet said, 'The best clothes that you are white. Use it as your clothes and your shroud. "(Al Mughni, 3 / 229)

-In countries Malay Archipelago and in culture, we are very familiar with the red pulp and white pulp.
-In Japan, there is the term "kouhaku" where in a match then the red one (Kou / beni) and the other white (HAKU / shiro).
* Russian Civil War and the Civil War Finland was the battle between the Red Army and White.
* In China, red is the color of luck and is used for weddings. Angpao in ordinary Chinese people are given in red envelopes. Instead, White is the opposite of Red color, because white is usually interpreted as the color of mourning. So, the Red and White are in pairs.
* In Christian culture, Jesus is often depicted dressed in Red and White.
Colors Red and White is also one of the main color in Natal (see Santa Claus outfit.) Not has it ever occurred to the brain agan why Santa Claus is not just Black and White dress for example?
* There are 150 countries which include the color red on the National Flag of nationality.

3. In anatomy, Red and White is the color of the oldest in the human body. Since the fetus is formed in the womb, then it is composed of blood and meat (red) and bone (white).

4. Geologically, the Red & White is a representation of two natural elements that the hottest and coldest on earth. What is the hottest lava / core of the earth (red), and the coldest is snow (white). Red and White is a representation of the hottest and coldest thing on the planet!

5. In optics, Red is the color with the lowest frequency of light which the human eye can still be captured with a wavelength of 630-760 nm. On the other hand, if the primary color and intensity combined with the portion of the same, it will form the color white.

6. Red Light is the first light which is absorbed by seawater, so many fish and marine invertebrates, which the Red color. On the other hand, the ripple waves always look colored White. So, one might say, Red and White was in itself a symbol of the sea itself. No wonder, Indonesia which is a maritime country / island nation chose to have the flag!

For those who think that our flag was torn from the flag of the Netherlands, please read the facts of history! Precisely the original Red and White is the color of Indonesia!

Colors Red and White taken from the color of the Majapahit Kingdom. Before the Majapahit, the kingdom of Kediri was wearing "the banner of" Red and White.
In addition, the flag of the ground war Batak Sisingamangaraja IX was wearing red and white colors as the color flag, bearing the twin swords with the basic color White Red and White Lights. Red & White color is the flag of war Sisingamangaraja XII. The two swords symbolize the twin blades densely packed Gaja, heritage of kings Sisingamangaraja I-XII.
When there is war in Aceh, Aceh fighters have used the flag of war "banners" with the color Red & White, set in the sword, crescent moon, sun and stars and the holy verses of the Qur'an.
At the time of the Bugis kingdom of Bone, Red and White flag is a symbol of power and greatness of the kingdom of Bone. Bone flag was known as the Woromporang.
At the time Java war (1825-1830 AD) Prince Diponegoro wear "colored banner of Red and White in his struggle against the Dutch.
The flag, called the Red and White was first used by students and nationalists in the early 20th century under Dutch rule.
"Sang Saka Merah Putih" which was unfurled at the time of the Proclamation of Independence August 17, 1945 stitched by Ms. Fatmawati, the wife of President Sukarno, in 1944, measuring 276 x 200 cm.
About Dutch flag rupture events at Hotel Yamato, Surabaya, it happened long after the Proclamation of Independence, on September 19, 1945. While the Proclamation of Independence August 17, 1945, we already flying the flag. So, not really red and white we are the result of tear Dutch flag.


Thursday, March 10, 2011


Review dan Free Download MP3 Album Berlayar dari Sheila on 7

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"Berlayar itu identik dengan perjalanan panjang, penuh rintangan, cuaca juga. Kita menggambarkan perjalanan Sheila on 7 dulu dan beberapa tahun yang akan datang ibarat berlayar," ujar sang vokalis Duta Modjo
Bagi yang belum dengerin lagu-lagu di album ini disarankan segera dengerin . . .
masih seperti album-album sebelumnya yang sangat enak buat didengar album ini pun wajib dimasukan kedalam playlist anda . . . haha
album ini berbeda dan unik secara fisiknya . . . pokoknya beli aja yang asli kalau pengen tahu . . . ya kalau ga pengen tahu juga tetep beli yang asli . . . hhe
dan ini lagu-lagu yang ada di dalamnya . . .

1. Have Fun (3:28) download
2. Pasti Ku Bisa (3:59) download
3. Hujan Turun (3:56) download
4. On The Phone (4:14) download
5. Hari Bersamanya (3:52) download
6. Berlayar Denganku (4:34) download
7. Perfect Time (4:05) download
8. Kamus Hidupku (Demo Version) (4:23) download
9. Bait Pertama (3:44) download
10. Hari Bersamanya (Accoustic Version) (3:57) download

ini link - link free download (download gratis) mp3 dari album berlayar - sheila on 7.